Through voluntary participation, the student-athlete gives time, energy and loyalty to the program. He/she also accepts the training rules, regulations and responsibilities which are unique to an athletic program. In order to contribute to the welfare of the group, the student-athlete must willingly assume these obligations as the role demands. Student-athletes should assume the responsibility of scheduling their total co-curricular environment in advance so they can devote the time that is required by individual programs.
The primary purpose of the athletic program at St. Mary High School is to promote the physical, mental, social, emotional and moral well-being of the participants.
The school is legendary in the number of championships it has garnered. Many of our athletes have received scholarships to major colleges and universities. Some athletes have distinguished themselves by playing in a Super Bowl and by election to the St. Mary High School Hall of Fame.
St. Mary High School encourages all students to participate on our various sports teams. Tryouts are held for teams before the beginning of the season. Students who wish to tryout must attend the tryout session. For any questions, please contact the team’s coach or our Athletic Director.