Catholic schools are closing, and I fear the values that are fostered through Catholic education will suffer. My K-12 education at St. Mary taught me discipline and compassion. Sr. Patricia Ann taught me to appreciate art and artists and the art deco bentwood chairs in the art room. Sr. Immaculata taught me the importance and joys of lifelong learning. I was taught to respect authority but given room to question it; to participate in civic engagement and to be willing to be an agent of change.
The Catholic Church has a rich history of tradition and rituals. Celebrating and honoring the religious holidays reinforces the spiritual cyclicality of life and our membership in the family of Catholics. I spent my most formative years at St. Mary, and the bonds that were created there have lasted for 50 years. We’ve already lost the K-8 program, but with help from all of us, St. Mary can survive and thrive. That’s why I give to St. Mary High School.
Why do I give to St. Mary? I was asked this question by a life-long friend. I give to St. Mary because I honestly believe the small local parish high school affords young men and women a unique opportunity. Not all teenagers thrive in a college size high school, never mind the college size tuition. Many students benefit dramatically from small classes and a one-on-one setting to develop important academic skills necessary in college and careers. Likewise, a young athlete who needs time to grow and mature has the opportunity to gain varsity experience earlier and build skills and traits of teamwork and leadership at SMHS. St. Mary was a special place for me in the 70’s and my son in the 2000’s. I give to keep the school thriving and to give today’s students financial assistance, so they may have the great experiences and memories my son and I do.
I was the youngest of five to graduate from both St. Mary Elementary and High School. When talking about St. Mary the word family comes to mind. Not only my own family, but the extended family I met at St. Mary. Many of my classmates are still in my life today! My parents instilled a great work ethic in us when they volunteered countless hours to give us a Catholic education and taught all of us how to give back and never forget where we came from.
I give to St. Mary to allow today’s students to have the great small school atmosphere I loved when I went there and creating friendships that last a lifetime. It is important to me for future students to have the chance to receive a Catholic education which allows St. Mary teachers to play a role in shaping their future as they shaped mine.
For those of you who have walked through the hallowed hallways of St. Mary, let’s give today’s students the same chance to be a part of our Gael Alumni Family by making a donation to “our” school. Wishing St. Mary High School many more years of continuing the mission of our Catholic Faith.
I support St. Mary High School because I believe in giving back more than what I have received. St. Mary High School has given me the means to build my family and continue to grow my career, which has been such a blessing. So for me the decision to help give other students the same opportunity to become a part of the St. Mary community and story is an easy one.
The Dan Moran fund in particular has been one I have supported as I graduated with his daughter Caitlin in 2007 and have fond memories of Mr. Moran driving us to CYO games or down to the fi eld for soccer. He and his family are a great representation of the spirit of SM: a spirit of kindness and giving. I hope that through scholarships like this one, students are able to have the same opportunity as I had through SM to aspire to leave the world a little better than they found it.